

A facelift (Rhytidectomy) can help you achieve a refreshed and more youthful facial appearance. This procedure reduces the signs of aging on the face by tightening muscles and smoothing out wrinkles. For a comprehensive facial rejuvenation, a combined facelift can be performed together with eyelid surgery and/or brow lift and fat filling.

Benefits of a Facelift

As you age, your skin and tissues undergo inevitable changes. We see signs of aging such as loss of skin elasticity, sagging skin, thinning, wrinkles, and volume loss that affect all tissues from bone to skin. Sun damage and stress also harm your delicate facial skin over time.

A facelift can correct the changes caused by each of these factors. This procedure can give your face a youthful appearance by achieving the following:

  • Eliminating or reducing wrinkles and lines
  • Tightening loose skin
  • Tightening facial muscles
  • Restoring lost facial volume
  • Creating balance in the chin and cheeks

Facelift Candidacy

Several factors are considered when determining whether you are a good candidate for a facelift. Depending on your treatment goals, an alternative surgery or a non-surgical cosmetic procedure may be performed. Some general criteria for facelift candidacy include:

  • Non-smokers or those willing to refrain from smoking before and after surgery
  • Generally healthy individuals
  • Those with realistic expectations for the treatment

Facelift Techniques

We will discuss your goals and options for achieving the desired results during your initial consultation. There are many approaches to a facelift, but one of the following is most likely to be applied:

Traditional Facelift

This is the most commonly performed technique and involves an incision that begins in the temples above the hairline. The incision continues around your ear down to the scalp.

Limited Incision Facelift

In this version, incisions are only made in front of and below the ears.

Facelift Procedure

While there are some standard elements for all facelift procedures, your facelift will be uniquely planned for you.


General anesthesia or sedation will be applied to keep you comfortable during the facelift.


After you are placed under anesthesia, the necessary incisions for the procedure will be made. These incision lines will be made in places we can hide in the hairline, in front of, and behind the ears. Once the procedure is finished, your incisions will be closed with tissue glue, stitches, and bandages.

Facelift Recovery Process

You will be given specific instructions for your recovery process. It’s important to follow these recommendations to have a smooth recovery process and achieve the best results from the procedure.

After the surgery, a dressing will be applied and removed the next day. Your stitches will be removed five to ten days later. Swelling and bruising typically subside within two to four weeks. Generally, you can return to work about two weeks later.

Your final results will be visible a few months after the surgery. Strenuous activities, heat, and sun exposure should be avoided for several months. Your incision lines will become barely noticeable within a year.